Problem-Solver Estheticians

pandemic Jun 06, 2020

In my last blog, I described two very distinct types of Estheticians when it comes to overcoming a career crisis, which in this case is Covid-19. If you missed that blog, here is a link: DIANE’S BLOG

With that in mind, today’s blog is for the “Problem Solver” Estheticians who are actively taking steps right now to survive during — and thrive after — this pandemic. I have been doing my own research to determine how spa directors, Estheticians and clients are handling this, and here is what I have found: It’s a mix. There is no single or direct path through this. But there are specific areas you can focus on that will give you the most benefit in the long-run.

When you are in the middle of a sh*t storm, don’t stop to take pictures.

Some spa directors and Estheticians I have talked to are convinced their clients are without fear and therefore will resume their monthly facials as soon as the business reopens. However, there are at least the same number of spa directors, Estheticians and clients thinking the exact opposite because they know that the lifting of restrictions by their state or county does not guarantee all clients are in agreement with that decision.

Regarding clients’ readiness to resume personal services, in my opinion, it will go something like this: #1 hair, #2 hair removal, #3 nails, #4 massage, #5 facials. The reason I think facials are last? Because it’s the only service that cannot be performed with both participants wearing a face covering.

Because of that disadvantage, Estheticians have to carefully lay a foundation which will allow clients to feel comfortable and safe when returning for their first post-pandemic service. Let’s call this our clients’ psychological confidence. So for Problem Solver Estheticians, here are some things to think about as you attempt to regain your clients’ psychological confidence:

First of all, you’ve got to temporarily suspend your own opinion and your personal perspective regarding the Covid-19 situation. Instead, you’ve got to “be the client.” (Those of you who have taken The Heart of Esthetics online course are familiar with this concept.) You’ve got to determine in advance what the clients’ roadblocks may be, and you’ve got to take steps — and put plans in place — to proactively remove those roadblocks.  

To figure out what your clients’ obstacles might be, you must consider your demographic because setbacks caused by this pandemic will differ. For some, it will be loss of income, so you will have to make adjustments to accommodate any financial limitations. For others, it’s loss of time now that schools have closed and their kids are home, so you might want to make scheduling adjustments. And for many, it’s just plain fear for their personal safety, which you can put at ease by implementing specific safety procedures and informing your clients of those in advance.  

And lastly, for any of you who are contemplating closing your business permanently, don’t forget about any gift certificates that have not yet been redeemed. Know the laws of your state and have a plan in place.

The Heart of Esthetics: Creating Loyal Clients & Achieving Financial Success online course.


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