Diane's Blog

Stress: The Road to Illness?

Aug 12, 2020


My Heart is Breaking...

My fellow California Estheticians are struggling through this pandemic right now because they have not been able to reopen their businesses. Some are hanging on by a thread and sadly, others have chosen to close their business permanently.

Throughout my 20+ year Esthetics career, I usually have something to say, advice to give, opinions to impart, online courses to offer... anything I can do to help lead Estheticians to and through their financially successful...

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Pandemic 2020 (part 2): Same Storm. Different Solution.

Jun 06, 2020


This is a follow up to my blog of May 16th on the topic of protecting ourselves against this Covid-19 nightmare.

As I mentioned in that blog, the solutions currently being offered to us are external, such as utilizing face coverings and social distancing. While these are important methods, they do — at least somewhat — depend upon the people around us also following these protocols, but unfortunately that is something not within our control. Whereas the internal solution,...

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Pandemic 2020 (part 1): Same Storm. Different Journey.

Jun 06, 2020


I am a believer that life is all about the journey. Yes, we are all going through the same horrible storm right now, but we are not all on the same journey. We may not agree about how we got here, who’s at fault, or most importantly how to fix it, but for the first time in history (at least, in my lifetime) on this I think we all agree: This pandemic situation really sucks.

What your experience will be like as you go through this nightmare will depend entirely upon your...

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Problem-Solver Estheticians

Jun 06, 2020

In my last blog, I described two very distinct types of Estheticians when it comes to overcoming a career crisis, which in this case is Covid-19. If you missed that blog, here is a link: DIANE’S BLOG

With that in mind, today’s blog is for the “Problem Solver” Estheticians who are actively taking steps right now to survive during — and thrive after — this pandemic. I have been doing my own research to determine how spa...

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Estheticians: Surviving and Thriving Pandemic 2020

Jun 06, 2020


Wow, what a weird time in history this is...

It’s horrific, it’s scary, and it’s confusing. It’s been a huge priority shift for me, that’s for sure. Although our journeys will be very different, the truth is that we are all in it together. And that brings me to my fellow Estheticians.

I have been a licensed Esthetician in the state of California since 1999, and NCEA Certified since 2008. I’ve seen a lot, I’ve had success, I’ve made...

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The Business of Esthetics

Jun 06, 2020


The first time a client calls, texts, emails or
walks into an Esthetician’s business…

A relationship has begun.

We are in a personal service business...

And by “personal,” I don’t mean people you may encounter as they walk into your business, or those you might chat with as you complete a transaction during a purchase. I mean this is a hands-on, face-to-face (and sometimes face-to-other-body-parts, depending upon which esthetics services you...

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The Psychology of Esthetics

Jun 06, 2020


Have you figured out that there is a gap between what our Esthetician program taught us and what we really need to know to become financially successful in the Real World of Esthetics?

The job of our esthetics training program is to teach us esthetics skills and to prepare us to pass our state licensing exam. The schools are not prepared to teach us about what I like to call the “Psychology of Esthetics” which includes topics such as why people choose one...

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